Your asphalt parking lot is one of the first things customers or clients will see upon arrival to your property. The catch is that you likely don’t want them to notice it, because that will often mean that something is wrong. A typical asphalt parking lot is something most people will only pay attention to if it has potholes, cracks, and other issues.
You can prevent a situation like this from happening to your own parking lot with regular sealcoating from a seasoned commercial paving company. Discover why regular sealcoating is so important for the longevity of your lot and the protection of your company’s brand.
Little Cracks Turn Into Big Cracks Over Time
You might think your parking lot or asphalt pavement looks just fine right now since it only has a few small cracks here or there. That’s true for now, but little cracks can and will expand over time without proper treatment. A regular sealcoat will repair those small cracks before they can get worse.
With sealcoating on a regular schedule, you can protect the overall integrity of your asphalt lot for years or decades to come. Extending the lifespan of your lot before you need a full replacement will save your company thousands of dollars in the long run.
Work the amount you will pay for regular sealcoating into your expected budget and you can look at it as just part of the cost of doing business. This is far preferable to suddenly realizing that you need to spend a lot of money to completely re-pave your lot.
Little Cracks Can Lead to a Big Infestation Problem
Even if those little cracks or potholes haven’t expanded just yet, the local insects and pests don’t need much of an opening to turn your asphalt into a new home. The last thing you want is for these insects or pests to attack your paying customers or clients when they park and get out of the car. Any kind of bug infestation also just looks incredibly unprofessional, so fill those cracks up before it can happen to you.
Little Potholes Can Turn Into a Big Issue If Someone Trips
You likely do what you can to provide a safe environment for your employees and customers inside your building or store, but don’t overlook the parking lot in regards to workplace safety. If an employee steps into even a small pothole in the wrong way, you could end up with a workers’ compensation claim due to a twisted ankle.
If a customer trips and falls, you might be sued for negligence. If the entire parking lot has cracks and potholes, someone could make the case that you haven’t done enough to provide a safe lot for everyone who needs to use it.
Little Problems Could Become a Big Issue for Your Company’s Brand
If you’re like most business owners, you likely want your company name to have a premium or high-end sheen to it. That can be hard to do if everyone’s first impression of your business upon driving up is that you don’t care about the condition of your parking lot. Regular sealcoating is a small price to pay to protect the brand or reputation that you’ve spent years or decades getting to this point.
Failing to get a fresh sealcoat for your commercial parking lot regularly can leave your business at risk for some ugly problems. Those little cracks or potholes that don’t look like a very big deal right now can quickly turn into a huge issue if left unchecked.
At Pinnacle Paving, we have years of experience keeping parking lots and other commercial pavement in tip-top shape. We can keep your parking lot looking perfect so that your customers or clients can simply park and walk right into your building or store without issue. Contact us today to discuss setting up a sealcoating appointment.